Astro Food- The Disease Free Food


    9 février 2018 9 h 30 min - 17 h 00 min Indian/Mauritius

    Gold Crest Business Hotel

    Quatre Bornes, Mauritius Quatre Bornes, Mauritius

      We are proud to present something unique concerning Ayurvedic food and how they are related to the five elements of our body constitution and our health under the label of Astro Food- food matching with your astrological compatibility to keep you away from illnesses,along with cure and preventions through food.

      ➢ Basic introduction to Siddha medicine.
      ➢ Vatta, Pitta, Kapha…. Body Constitution.
      ➢ History and introduction to Varmam therapy.
      ➢ Astro healthy food
      ➢ Management of non-communicable diseases.
      ➢ Food … The healer
      ➢ Ingredients, theirs combinations and their Astrological impact
      ➢ Chewing, Digestion and absorption for a healthy body
      ➢ Women and children health management.
      ➢ Nadi Pariksha- Pulse reading


      About Doctor Madhu Kartheesh:
      Dr Madhu Kartheesh is a qualified doctor (B.S.M.S) practicing siddha medicine, the traditional and ancient branch of medicine.

      Nadi pariksha is diagnosing one’s physical and mental state by reading their pulse. Through Nadi he will not only check for disease alone,but check for entire well-being, both physical and mental body. Nadi helps to forecast and prevent diseases.

      Next when it comes to treatment aspect, he majorly believes in food habits. If an individual has a proper diet then he’s going to be disease free. Basically he advises people according to their pulse what food has to be taken and what has to be avoided.


      *Conference on 09th February 2018.
      *Time: 09.30- 17.00

      Corporate Price: Rs 10,500 instead of Rs 12,800 as per MQA Approval
      Individual Price: Rs 5,000

      Tea breaks

      Email or call for reservation:
      Tel: 6745071/ 52548372 / 58579081


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